Corporate Governance

The corporate governance establishes the framework for a responsible, structured and transparent management through compliance with internal guidelines and procedures, as well as external regulations.

The corporate governance shall ensure that the company is managed, in an efficient and, for the shareholders, secure manner. This will contribute the protection of the shareholders’ interests and thereby create a fair basis for return on invested capital.

Ambea is a Swedish public limited liability company listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. Ambea’s corporate governance is based on internal guidelines and instructions, the Swedish Companies Act (Sw. aktiebolagslagen), the Swedish Annual Accounts Act (Sw. årsredovisningslagen), Nasdaq Stockholm’s Rule Book for Issuers (Sw. Nasdaq Stockholms regelverk för emittenter) and the Swedish Corporate Governance Code (the “Code”) (Sw. svensk kod för bolagsstyrning). Information of the Code and the Swedish model for corporate governance can be found on the Swedish Corporate Governance Board’s (Sw. Kollegiet för svensk bolagsstyrning) website.

Corporate governance includes various company organs and functions with a defined influence- and responsibility area which are described below.

Ambea’s corporate governance structure

Corporate Governance Report

The Corporate Governance Report is part of the Annual report and can be found here.