Stendi: Care solutions in Norway
Stendi is the largest private care provider in Norway. The company offers a wide range of care solutions for children and young people, adults and the elderly.
Stendi is Ambea’s Norwegian division and offers nationwide support and residential care services for adults, children and young people. Stendi also offers personal assistance. The company has more than 400 units and some 5,000 employees across Norway.
Support and residential facilities for adults
Stendi offers person-centred residential facilities and care services for people with various types of complex assistance needs. One target group is people with disabilities, such as autism and intellectual disabilities, who often need lifelong support. Other target groups are people with, for example, substance abuse problems, early-onset dementia or mental health problems. They receive care in residential facilities with staff
density adapted to the individual’s needs.
For individuals with high care needs, there are assisted living facilities for one to four care receivers with on-site 24-hour staffing. Less formal types of care include home support, where care receivers remain in their own apartments and receive regular visits from Stendi’s employees.
As a complement to residential care, Stendi also operates activity centres to provide each resident with a meaningful daily life in companionship with each other.
Residential facilities and support for children and young people
For children and young people, Stendi offers placements in foster homes and assisted living facilities. The target group is children and young people with various types of problems and needs for support and care, who are unable to live at home for various reasons. As a complement, Stendi also offers services for these people when they leave the facility to support their transition to independent living.
Stendi also offers short-break residential facilities for children and young people with severe disabilities as well as assistance at home for children with physical disabilities.
Personal assistance
For children and adults with severe disabilities, Stendi offers user-controlled personal assistance (BPA). This service means that care receivers receive assistance with activities of daily living in order to live as independently as possible and lead the lifestyle they desire.
Music therapy creates communication
Stendi uses a range of models and methods to offer high-quality care. One example is music therapy for children and young people, as well as adults. It is an evidence-based form of therapy based on the ability of music to create contact, communication and motivation.

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