Vardaga: Elderly care for quality of life

Vardaga is one of the largest private elderly care providers in Sweden, with approximately 100 residential facilities across the country and home care services in selected locations.

Vardaga has about 9,500 employees who are creating quality of life and security for each individual care receiver.

Nursing homes

Our residential facilities provide round-the-clock social care for the elderly who can no longer stay in their homes due to illness or age-related weakness. Care placements are offered for older people with either dementia or somatic (physical) complaints. Vardaga also runs profile facilities with speciality placements in areas including geriatric psychiatry, and for people with young-onset dementia (under 65). In addition to permanent residential placements, Vardaga offers short-term placements, relief care and respite care. Our residential facilities are located all over Sweden, with a certain concentration to Stockholm and Mälardalen, Skåne and Västkusten.

Home care

Vardaga also has 14 home care units that offer home care for approximately 2,200 customers. Home care carries out person-centred services and chores, such as cleaning, washing, shopping, private nursing, cooking, walks and companionship. This offering is mainly concentrated to the Stockholm region, specifically the inner city area, and Linköping.

Vardaga’s elderly care: The Good Day

At Vardaga’s nursing homes, every care receiver should be able to live a dignified and meaningful life based on their own preferences. To achieve this high quality of care, Den goda dagen (The Good Day) concept is applied, comprising a range of promises related to various aspects of care. Vardaga’s special offerings include:

  • Active Daily Living: Our aim is that every day will be filled with quality of life and meaningful content for each individual care receiver. All of Vardaga’s residential facilities have at least one activities manager.
  • Food Like Home: Our aim is that mealtimes will be the highlight of the day. Most of Vardaga’s units apply the Food Like Home concept, which means that all food is prepared in the unit’s own kitchen.
  • Pet Therapy: Many of the nursing homes receive regular visits from therapy and pet dogs who spread joy and support exercise and medical treatment.
  • Young Care: Many facilities receive appreciated visits from sociable young people on weekends and school holidays.
  • The Good Night: Ensuring a good night’s sleep is a vital component of care. Together with each care receiver, we draw up a plan to help them sleep better at night.
  • Dementia Academy: The Dementia Academy is part of Lära (Ambea’s training organisation), and is a centre of excellence for dementia that offers certification schemes, training and support for Vardaga’s units.
  • End-of-life care: Like all other forms of care, palliative care is adapted to each resident’s individual needs and preferences. A major training programme has been taking place in Vardaga since 2019 to strengthen this area.

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