
Quality ultimately arises in the interaction between care receivers and our employees. The starting point is that it should be easy for employees and managers to do the right thing in any given situation, so that employees can spend their time on the right things – care that creates quality and value.

  1. Comprehensive quality management system
    Support for the organisation is gathered in our quality management system. The system contains governingdocuments and process descriptions to help employee structure their work and act correctly in various situations.
  2. Control and support from our Quality Department
    The Quality Department is a central function that supports each division’s management team. Every year they conducts 250 inspections of our units to ensure compliance with processes, procedures and legislation.
  3. Monthly follow up of every unit
    Every month, we use a Quality Index, comprising a number of HR and quality metrics, to follow up the performance of our units. We collect data for employee engagement, customer satisfaction, leadership, systematic improvements, sick leave, and how well the units comply with Ambea’s quality requirements.
  4. Care receiver surveys
    Feedback about our operations from care receivers and their loved ones is very important to us. Every year Ambea conducts its own surveys of care receivers and their loved ones in Altiden, Stendi and Vardaga. Nytida performs surveys of loved ones in selected segments. In Sweden, the National Board of Health and Welfare also conducts a care receiver survey for elderly care, and the Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR) conducts a survey for social services.
  5. Customer representative and external whistleblowing channel
    We have a clear feedback and complaints process in place in all countries, and we encourage care receivers and their loved ones to provide feedback. As a complement to this process, we also have an independent customer service representative. Via our external whistleblowing channel Trumpet,our employees can submit anonymous and confidential reports about anything they see in the workplace that may breach our ethical guidelines or be discriminatory.
  6. Inspections and supervision by clients and authorities
    Ambea conducts activities in our three countries that often require a licence, or accreditation/approval from various regulators. A licence or accreditation is normally granted for a specific unit. We also conduct activities that do not require a license. Every quarter, there are about 50 external reviews of our units by authorities or our clients. We see the inspections and follow-ups an opportunity to develop and improve our units and we report them openly in each quarterly report.

In a large organisation with more
than 30,000 employees and nearly
1,000 units, our quality management system is a continuous source
of development. This rarely involves
any major revolutionary events, but
minor continuous improvements that
refine and develop our operations.

Mark Jensen, CEO

Non-conformance management: a key element of change management

We have clear procedures for identifying, documenting and reporting discrepancies and risks. We have a low threshold for non-conformities and one non-conformance report too many is better than one report too few. In Sweden, the legal duty to report Lex Sara and Lex Maria cases is part of systematic quality management.