Strategy for future-proof care
Ambea is the leading care company in Scandinavia. We have a hundred-year history of developing social care, always based on the needs of our care receivers and always as a partner to the public sector.
Due to a growing and ageing population, the need for care is expected to increase significantly in the coming years. That is creating new opportunities for Ambea and we are taking the next step in our development with our updated strategy for future proof and sustainable care.
Based on society’s needs, we will continue to invest in competence development, clear concepts and frameworks in our divisions. That creates the conditions for high-quality and personalised care that is also cost-efficient. Ambea has identified, and will work with, four focus areas:
We offer care services with a customer focus
With the needs of our care receivers and clients as our starting point, we help society in the prioritised segments of elderly and social care.
- Customer knowledge and clear tender processes
We have clear offerings that make it easy for our clients and care receivers to make decisions. Knowing our customers well enables us to continuously develop our services and offer what they want, quickly and efficiently. - Flexibility for meeting new requirements and expectations
We are constantly developing the content of our services to meet the needs of both care receivers and clients. - Growth that strengthens our business
Our core business is to develop residential care but we can also include related service areas when they strengthen our business and our core activities. We are organised so that we can seize opportunities and respondpro-actively to risks. We work systematically and use the entire organisation’s knowledge to enable sustainable and structured growth.
We deliver quality through competence
The success of our company depends on our employees. By investing in competence development, language development and leadership based on a hands-on and active approach, we are raising levels of knowledge which, in turn, will lead to fewer discrepancies and higher customer satisfaction.
- Lära training organisation
We build and develop competence within our own organisation as well as for other players. Our training organisation Lära plays a key role here. Lära helps us bring more qualified employees with the right competence into the sector, and ensure that our employees maintain effective and relevant levels of knowledge. - Strong employer brand and new recruitment bases
We want to be the first choice for students and new employees. That is why we are constantly developing new recruitment bases and working together with schools and employment agencies to create work experience placements and give more people an opportunity to enter the care sector. - The best leaders in the industry
We will continue to develop leadership based on an active and hands-on approach, with engaged employees who take responsibility for quality of care and our shared work environment
We create time for care
Our time is one of the most important things we can give to our care receivers. Our processes and tools help us free-up time for care and achieve consistently high quality.
- Systematic quality management
Our starting point is that it should be easy for every employee and manager to do the right thing in any given situation. Our systematic quality management, combined with continuous learning, is fundamental to meeting the high quality requirements of our various customers. - Time for the right things
We review tools to ensure they support employees in their day-to-day work. Our processes are revised twice annually. Everyone should feel secure with our procedures and be able to devote time to the right things. - Systems that facilitate
We are developing a future digital workplace to reduce and facilitate administrative tasks. Examples include mobile systems that meet employees’ needs.
We accelerate innovation and welfare technology
Technology is evolving fast and expectations from care receivers, loved ones and clients are changing. Welfare technology can contribute to better care and a better work environment for our employees, while also improving efficiency.
- Increase the pace of development in care
We are innovative and always seeking partnerships to increase the pace of development in care. - Make life easier and improve quality
We seek innovative solutions that can help to improve quality and make life easier for both care receivers and employees. - Create new business
We want to accelerate innovation in the care sector and are developing innovative solutions by developing our core business, company acquisitions and strategic partnerships.
Sustainable care
Alongside of our focus areas, sustainability plays a key role in our strategy.